I offer online counseling for adults and college students who want to heal their past in order to change their future
Individual Adult Counseling sessions
Not dealing with our individual pain and trauma can damage our ability to be present in life. This impacts our potential of developing healthy relationships and intimacy with others. In addition to potentially damaging relationships with others, stored pain negatively impacts our health, our ability to work and to focus on what is important to us. It can lead us to unhealthy coping with addictive behaviors, and hold us back from living our fullest lives. You, your family, and your community deserve for you to be healthy, strong, emotionally present, and fully alive.
College Students Counseling Sessions
As you step into the journey of going to college, many things in life can become stirred up. Change, uncertainty and new challenges can evoke a destabilizing sense within you that if not dealt with directly, can lead to derailing you from your vision. In some situations, stepping away from home can give more space for pain and trauma to surface. College is also a time where some people begin to ask the big questions of, “who am I, what do I want, and where am I going?”. All of these circumstances can be addressed in the context of counseling at The Workshop.